• UK Freephone: 0800 772 0449
    • August


    • 842
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    IP65 PC Refurbishment Programme

    IP65 PC Refurbishment Programme

    We have been asked to refurbish a batch of stainless steel PCs that we installed many years ago. They been in use 24/7 within a food preparation factory for the last 7 years without a service. In most cases, after so much time, a typical PC would need to be replaced – Not ours!! Each unit is

    • May


    • 886
    • 0
    We have moved!!

    We have moved!!

    We have moved the operation from Hampshire to Bristol. Logistics and staff location meant that the move could be put off no longer so we moved the admin and construction facilities to lovely Bristol. Its a great place and we have settled in well. We now work with a new network of people, all of

CabinetPro has a shop-floor solution for you

CabinetPro Ltd

CabinetPro is a UK one-stop shop for washable industrial PCs and data capture equipment. Call us on UK Freephone: 0800 772 0449 or Intl: +44 1454 261 948 for more information.

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