• UK Freephone: 0800 772 0449
    • June


    • 702
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    UK Outdoor PC Shelters

    UK Outdoor PC Shelters

    We have been asked to look at providing a number of IP65 rated stainless steel Touchsceen PCs for outdoor use. One customer is wanting to integrate biometric scanners and tally software to monitor staff movement across a major road expansion project. We have achieved this and the units are being site tested now. We are

    • March


    • 877
    • 0
    Confidence Growing in the Food Preparation Industry

    Confidence Growing in the Food Preparation Industry

    March saw a increase in business for our stainless steel IP65 rated industrial touchscreen PCs. We have been awarded work amounting to over 80 units recently. This along with a rise in the amount of panel PCs sold indicate a growing confidence in general, especially the food production environment where the implementation of new ERP software is

    • February


    • 888
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    Our 3 Year Warranty Explained

    Our 3 Year Warranty Explained

    As standard, CabinetPro Ltd provide a 12-month return-to-base warranty. However, we do offer a free 3 year RTB Warranty Policy option. How can we possibly do that? The simple answer is that we have full confidence in our PCs because we only use very high quality, brand-name components. Plus, we hand build our PCs in our own clean and

    • December


    • 880
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    Proviso SiteKiosk

    Proviso SiteKiosk

    If you use a kiosk PC, you really need to have some O/S and browser lock-down software running on it, we’ve become a partner of Provisio to supply SiteKiosk. This enables you to build a safe, locked-down environment using a configuration wizard, with more extensive customisation being available to those with programming skills. Lockdown browser &

    • September


    • 867
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    Custom Silver Kiosk PC

    Custom Silver Kiosk PC

    We’re really pleased with the silver kiosk PCs we’ve just implemented at the training centre of a blue-chip technology company. These will enable delegates to surf the web and check e-mail during breaks, all within a fully locked down environment provided by SiteKiosk, that prevents access to the operating system. The kiosks were a custom

CabinetPro has a shop-floor solution for you

CabinetPro Ltd

CabinetPro is a UK one-stop shop for washable industrial PCs and data capture equipment. Call us on UK Freephone: 0800 772 0449 or Intl: +44 1454 261 948 for more information.

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